Culture is a person’s beliefs, values, and norms within a given racial or ethnic group. It impacts certain ideas and behaviors and directly relates to the meaning that people attach to their illness. Culture also affects whether people seek help, what type of help they seek, and their coping style and support. Social norms guide socially acceptable behavior and form the framework that guides how Men experiencing mental illness internalize public attitudes that may lead to embarrassment and shame. For example, mental health illness is considered a taboo topic in the Black, Latin, and Arabic communities. Those experiencing mental health issues are often considered weak, broken, and not strong enough. dating back, African, Latin, and Arabian men were misled by ancient, created norms into believing that talking about your feeling or Crying is considered weakness. As a result, you may see that those ascribing to the cultures may find it difficult to accept a mental health problem or diagnosis and seek help. Because of culture stigma, underrepresented persons are left to find mental health treatment and support alone, if at all. Because cultural influences have an impact on perceptions of mental health, understanding the role of culture in mental illness is important in developing strategic initiatives to improve the negative effects of mental health illness. Hence, MEN DON'T CRY.


KONZEPT & IDEE  Emmanuel Musa Luka, Rainer Westphal

TANZ  Samuel M. Ekeh, Sergio Verano, Emmanuel Musa Luka



 Beginn: Mittwoch, 16.10.2024, 20:00 Uhr
 Theater in Kempten (Theaterstraße 4, 87435 Kempten)
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Preis: 28,00 € (inkl. VVK-Gebühren, MwSt.-frei nach §4 Nr. 21 UStG) Ermäßigungen werden im Warenkorb abgezogen.
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